182 Days
It has been six months since the release of Letters to My Friends in Pain. Thanks to everyone for reading and sharing. Since its release, we’ve sold or given away over 550 copies of the book. Over 500 people who are finding strength, perseverance, and resilience.
I’ve heard great feedback from several people. One man I had never met emailed that “he felt understood” for the first time. Another asked for permission to teach the material to two churches in Pennsylvania. My sister-in-law reminds me that it is an evergreen book – a book that people will come back to over and over again. A church friend told me that they try to have one with them all the time to give to others who need encouragement in their pain. All I know to say is I’m overwhelmed with gratitude.
What’s Next for Letters to My Friends in Pain?
We’re releasing a Bible Study Guide for small groups, individuals, and churches that want to work on developing resilience and perseverance from a biblical perspective. Please let me know if you are interested. Also, many of you have mentioned that you are interested in the material, but you don’t really like to read books. I get that. Many Americans don’t. When I can raise the funds, I’d like to go into a studio and record an audio version of the book.
How Can You Help?
Self-publishing is a lot like opening a mom-and-pop restaurant. I wear most of the hats. Getting word out about the book is the most important thing you can do to help.
If you know someone who would be interested in having me guest post on their blog or be a guest on their podcast, I’d be glad to talk to them about how I can help.
Would you consider giving the book as an investment in someone you know? I have a friend who buys 5 or 10 at a time to be able to share with others. It’s a great book to give your pastor, your Bible study leader, or your counselor. It could be tremendously beneficial to someone in recovery from addiction as well. And if you know someone struggling with grief, hurt, regret, or depression, it’s a great investment in someone you care about. Helping others is a team endeavor and I’m thankful that you are on the team.
Next Week
Next week is Amazon Prime Day on July 16th and 17th. Letters to My Friends in Pain is already on sale on Amazon for $17.47. Not much for an investment that can help someone know that Jesus understands their pain and wants to help them build resilience and perseverance.
https://a.co/d/dcRRMbJ – Purchase on Amazon